The Anais Nin Trust was created in 1975 to manage the literary estate of Anais Nin. The Trust is dedicated to preserving Anais Nin’s legacy through the promotion of Nin scholarship, productions, and publications. We maintain copyrights over text, images, and recordings of or by Anais Nin. We also own the copyright for Henry Miller’s letters to Anais Nin and Ian Hugo’s engravings.
We appreciate and understand how inspirational Anais Nin is and has been for artists and writers. We are pleased her positive messages of self-expression and self-exploration still reverberate today. We do ask, however, that you not use any Anais Nin image or quote in your artwork or to promote your writing, writing workshops, or readings. Use of Anais Nin images and quotes should be cleared through us.
For rights and permissions requests, please contact the Anais Nin Trust’s literary agent, Tree L. Wright.